Sunday 26 February 2012

corporate copywriting for business

My name is Nicholas Newman, a journalist who specializes in corporate copywriting for business.
I am contacting you because I can help you improve the pulling power of your corporate communications of both your print and digital media without increasing your advertising budget.
That is right. I am not asking you to increase your advertising budget. I am seeking to make your communication budget work harder for you.
· Did you know the typical response rates for most business-to-business communications is less than 2%?
I can write copy for your website, brochures and promotional material that will jump off the page. That will captivate readers instantly - and that has proven to improve responses rates by up to 200%.
My specialty is creating authoritative copy that will be read and responded to by more decision makers in the global energy world than would otherwise be the case
I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Nicholas Newman

 For Current and Past Clients see Client List
Tel: +44 (0)758 046 9514
Skype: oxfordprospect
Mobile: 0758 0469 514

Do you need an energy journalist with an excellent track record of providing copy for the energy sector?  Do you need relevant and engaging copy for your websites, newsletters, features, whitepapers, reports, press releases and other related copy?  Nicholas Newman is an energy journalist with a thorough grounding in energy writing and a sound understanding of the current energy markets.

Tel: +44 (0)758 046 9514

Skype: oxfordprospect

Mobile: 0758 0469 514


Nicholas Newman